It is very important to understand that gold plating requires very gentle care. This kind of coating disagrees with any prolonged wetness, salt water, various cosmetics and chemical substances.
Gold plated jewelry shouldn’t be ever wiped or polished with any coarse fabrics, because you can actually gradually rub off the plating. It won’t happened in one day, but it gradually will remove the gold layer, no matter how thick the gold plating is. This does happen with gold as well, but because it’s gold throughout the piece of golden jewelry, there is no visible difference except that your jewelry gets slightly thinner over the years. Keep that in mind when taking care of your jewelry.
Traditional gold and silver cleaning methods are not recommended for gold plated surfaces. The best way to clean it is to use a dry chamois or microfiber cloth. You would need to remove any oils from your jewelry first, by using a cotton ball dampened with a bit of alcohol or vinegar. Funny fact, it’s very easy to clean gold plated jewelry with beer – the jewelry piece needs to be submerged in beer for several minutes, washed off in running water and then polished with a very soft cloth. You should never try cleaning your jewelry with any abrasive or powder-like substances.
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